Espresso Martini's - my kryptonite in cocktail form. Who else agrees?
I think it's something about the mix of caffeine and booze and also potentially because I'm normally sozzled by the time I have one. If you have ever worked in media or know anyone who has, you know the espresso martini is the staple of a Friday lunch. You've had two bottles of wine, potentially a shot and way too much food so what else do you need? Dessert in a martini glass of course. This lethal combination of Friday lunchtimes and espresso martini's has left me with many a hangover (and a lack of memory.) Unsurprisingly this inspired my "Friday Coffee Recipe" cocktail poster (available framed here and unframed here.)
The main problem with Espresso Martini's are that they're so god damn great: Coffee - great, vodka - great, martini glass - great. My personal favourite? The Ivy's Salted Caramel Espresso Martini, introduced to me by my boyfriends sister. This is what has inspired this weeks recipe, shockingly a salted caramel espresso martini.
Firstly though if you do want to cheat, I've just seen Hotel Chocolat now sell pre-made Espresso Martini mix run through their Velvetiser. I'm not sure what that means but doesn't it sound delicious? They have standard Espresso Martini but also Salted Caramel, If you buy it and try it let me know on socials.
Now on to the recipe:
- Vodka like Grey Goose, because we're booji
- 2 tablespoons Salted caramel sauce
- 75ml Espresso (or a shot from a nescafe machine for ease)
- Tia Maria
- Ice
How to make:
- Pour the caramel sauce into the hot espresso and mix it until its melted in
- Fill the cocktail shaker with ice and pour in 50ml of Tia Maria, 100 ml of vodka and the espresso mix (once it's cooled)
- Give it a good shakey, shakey
- Pour into a martini glass and enjoy your hangover and blackout
Hannah rating: 5/5
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